Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The American Revolutionary War at Riley's Farm

The British Judge, Jury, and Attorney of the Accused.  The Accused were being tried for violating the Stamp Act.  Very entertaining session in Her Majesty's Court, no wonder we sought independence.

The Patriots at battle with the British (we of course are the Patriots).

We were so fortunate to have Mr.Riley give a speech to our group.  He spoke of our American History and of FREEDOM!

For lunch we shared a small chicken pot pie, the best I have ever eaten, and for dessert, we shared an apple tart.  For drink, we pumped water from the hand well accessing the pristine spring water that flows from the mountains.  We ended our day with a gorgeous walk through the apple orchards where we picked heirloom apples.  What a beautiful day!  Ah, the beauty of homeschooling.  This was rich.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Museum of Man, Balboa Park

Beautiful architecture.


FOCUS: Ancient Egypt to accompany our Story of the World, Book 1 studies


When I was a child, Starfish were everywhere.  It was nice to see them again.