Sunday, June 24, 2012


The Question:  ? (question mark)

What I don't know, I will find out and be better for it.

The Fall

I love when the seasons begin the change and we start to move back into ourselves.  This year will be different, we will be homeschooling full-time.   I never thought I'd go that far but now I can't imagine doing anything else.  As we embark into the new school year, we will make choices that help us dig deeper into the feelings of the seasons. 

Perhaps a "Little House on the Prarie" Unit study where we will submerge ourselves into the mid-late 1800's.   It has everything you need to educate your children (except for grammar and math which we will do foundationally). We will learn about simpler times where life seemed so rich.  We crave communion with that part of our American Histroy.  Maybe we won't use electricity for a week.  Maybe we will cook over a hearth fire, eat what they ate, play like they played. 

I hope to be reading Charles Dickens by Christmas and we shall eat our Figgy Pudding!( recipe to follow.)

Welcome to our little, amazing school!

Welcome to our little, amazing school!  We are under construction! This summer, we are planning and building the foundation for an exciting 2012-2013 school year.

I, Mom & Chief Learning Facilitator, am compiling information and material that will help rocket us into a positive future where the students LOVE to LEARN! I have made several wonderful discoveries as I have voraciously consumed book after book on education in general and Homeschooling, specifically.  I will try to add links to some of my favorite books so that you may seek them if you feel compelled.

I feel like I have found the Secret to a potentially great Education, and I am quite eager to share my discoveries.  This is our beginning.  I know it won't always be easy, but one thing is certain, I MUST.  Knowing what I know, I must.  It is just another part of raising my young.  I have taught them everything else, why draw the line here?  I can, so I must.  We have tried the other way and given it great effort but to no avail.  My little flock needs me to provide them with an amazing and eclectic education in a gentle environment.  So I say this prayer everyday, 'God, please give me the strength and ability to do this well.' Amen. And then I go practice.

The sneaky 'homeschooling'  I am doing this summer is actually fueling me with affirmative feedback and I say,..."God please let it go this way forever!"  I can see the light, my children are responding positively to what I am implementing and we have only just begun!  What we have done in the past is so incredibly different than what we are doing and what we will do.  That of the past was NOT working no matter the school or their efforts.  Imagining a method where children are lead to learn and without a fight, they drink from the well and ask for more.  I will feed them rich information and they will find sustenance and from there, they will grow and become independent, self-learners!

Oh, and the FREEDOM to LIVE!!!  We are FREE! 

We have found such a lovely school to help us grow.  Therry says the Principal is really Dumbledore and his leadership is the foundation for all things good in that school.  The teachers seem really great, afterall, they are not oppressed and their leader is a visionary .  I feel Niah is really blessed to have Eric as her Education Specialist.  He is kind and gentle and understands Niah's plight.  His goals for the new year center around Niah's very best interest. Number one, he wants her to learn to LOVE LEARNING! How refreshing to have a teacher care more about the student than the test.  We have to be patient with her since her experiences in Public/Tradtional schools were not good.  She is already more relaxed and amiable to the tidbits of information that I am 'sneaking' in this summer. (you can't blame me for wanting to play school now- if you have discovered what I did, you'd be doing it too ;)  What can I say?  I am on FIRE!  Yee Hawwww!

What I don't know, I will find out and be better for it.

VISIONARY LEADERSHIP...stumbled upon when I raced to look up proper use of the word 'visionary'.  (That's what it is about- Mom learns too!)