Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Fall

I love when the seasons begin the change and we start to move back into ourselves.  This year will be different, we will be homeschooling full-time.   I never thought I'd go that far but now I can't imagine doing anything else.  As we embark into the new school year, we will make choices that help us dig deeper into the feelings of the seasons. 

Perhaps a "Little House on the Prarie" Unit study where we will submerge ourselves into the mid-late 1800's.   It has everything you need to educate your children (except for grammar and math which we will do foundationally). We will learn about simpler times where life seemed so rich.  We crave communion with that part of our American Histroy.  Maybe we won't use electricity for a week.  Maybe we will cook over a hearth fire, eat what they ate, play like they played. 

I hope to be reading Charles Dickens by Christmas and we shall eat our Figgy Pudding!( recipe to follow.)

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