Friday, November 16, 2012

Thomas Jefferson Education

I am reading the book, A Thomas Jefferson Education, by Oliver Van DeMille and it is hitting me square between the eyes!  Through the renewed inspiration of this book, I have 'marching orders' by conviction to properly educate my children.  It is at times an uncomfortable read due to the fact that this author minces no words when it comes to identifying the undermining reasons for the disintegration of our culture and our country.  We have moved away from the mentor/classics model of education that helped shape some of the finest leaders in our history.  He speaks of the 'conveyor belt' education that has become the norm of the nation's education system.  It is a place where the herd mentality dominates and students are put in boxes and come out all the same! I

I am only  half way through the book at this date and I am looking forward to taking some stolen moments to finish.  I can see that the task ahead puts great responsibility into my lap as I must

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