Saturday, December 1, 2012

On the Same Page but Not the Same

We have decided to take the plunge into full-time homeschooling for both children.  Our boy was enrolled in public school until the Thanksgiving trimester end.  It became very clear that this was not the best environment for him and fate would have it, that doors were closed and others were open and we are now delighted with where we are.

The creativity is fully flowing.  Rich educational moments flourish with the freedom to take advantage as they present.  The magic is happening as we follow questions to find deep understandings.

In my gut, I now know I am doing the right thing.  In just one week, I have had a huge weight lifted off my shoulders despite the new yolk of commitment I have taken on for my family.  The burden is different, a more organic experience that fits with my role as a parent.  I have merely taken back my role as a teacher and mentor, the weight of which feels good.   The rewards are no doubt, worth the effort.  I am already a better person as I take personal inventory and forge ahead preparing the way for my little ones at my heels.  My own education is expanding as I sharpen my skills and take in new information.  I can do this because it is already done.  My vision is becoming clear and our future is unfolding beautifully in it's wake.

Today, I am grateful.  I am thankful for yesterday and tomorrow.  I am excited about our future.  One day I will look back and confirm our success as I see two amazing adults stand before me.  They will be bright and strong with good character.  Unique, for they will not be put into boxes and come out all the same. 

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