Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Water Study

I woke the other morning to several glasses of water left unused from the day before.  We decided to measure the amount of wasted water over a period of time to generalize how much drinking water we waste on average. 

We tried to estimate quantities on this gallon jug, breaking it into fractional parts.  Then my mom came over disgusted by the crazy kitchen mess and poured out our water and threw away the jug.  Thank you, Mom.  I never said homeschooling was perfect!!

Then that whole conversation led to the next issue- emergency water supplies.  What would we do if the infrastructure failed and we had no water?  We would resort to extreme rationing and would have to seek clean water for consumption.  Baron ran out to the trunk of my car, pilfered my trunk for the bug-out-bag, got out the Kayadyn water filter and proceeded to thoroughly investigate it. 

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