Sunday, January 15, 2017



Long road trips can be excellent opportunities for learning.  Besides the endless discussions, questions raised by circumstance, exposure to new places, new territories, the teacher has a captive audience (haha ;).  We talked in depth about distances (math) and fuel usage.  We dealt with an uncooperative roof storage bag which raised question of fuel efficiency.  We passed countless 18 wheelers and felt the wind resistance as we passed.  We also felt the lack of wind resistance when temporarily following behind a semi (drafting).  We had many questions that we explored the answers to below...

Introduction to AERODYNAMICS:  Click Link

WikipediaWikipedia- DRAFTING (aerodynamics) Click link

Why do we care about aerodynamics?

FUEL ECONOMY is one reason to care.
How to Choose a Cargo Box for Your Vehicle 

Efficiency, Competition and Fun is another.
How to Draft on a Bike

NOTE: Drafting with vehicles is DANGEROUS and DO NOT DO IT, here is why>>>>>>
Dangers of Drafting

Car Aerodynamics Basics and How-To Design Tips

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