Sunday, January 27, 2013


After a full day of academics, Baron was still wanting to do science, even though it was after 3:30 and we started at 8:30am.  I had purchased some fun things here and there, mostly from thrift stores:  test tubes in a rack, stainless steel measuring spoons, eye droppers, glass pouring carafe with handle, etc.  He was so excited to put them to use so I surfed the net in search for a fun science project  Came across a Bullseye View and did SUGAR WATER DENSITY COLUMNS.

Experiments with oversight provided by small feathered friend makes learning more fun!  What you don't see are the dogs cuddled up in their day beds on the floor.  Everyone loves the school.

Baron's first one worked pretty well, needed to pour a little slower.  The second one, he decided to switch the order of liquids, rather than pouring them from most dense to least dense, he just picked randomly.  The result was mud colored liquid as they mixed. 
Baron decided he'd like to add some Alka Seltzer to his test tube and then it got messy!  oozing, bubbling, brown, goo, looked alot like coca cola. 

Niah, the Artist, poured very carefully and spent extra time on the yellow which, being the lightest color, could easily mix with the red and the green.  The result:  her test tube was perfectly layered.
Then we tested what would happen if we froze it.  Note:  we didn't freeze in the glass test tubes as they could break with liquid expansion during freezing.  We think we may develop a tasty dessert recipe using this experiment. 

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