Sunday, January 27, 2013


You know you are on the right track when children choose to emulate the greatest qualities in life.  Here, a fine sunny, winter Saturday, my daughter steals away with her younger niece, nephew, and brother, to the school house for hours of school-fun.  Niah, the teacher, conducts class starting with Math, then onto Language Arts.  She assigns each child at their level and grades and rewards for jobs well done.  The children are attentive and captivated for hours in the bright warmth of the tiny classroom.  Then, Niah writes a prompt on the greaseboard, "What would happen if you put a Marshmallow in the microwave?"  The children wrote their responses, each adorable. 

So again, I ask myself, am I doing it right?  Are my children learning to love learning?  I'd have to say, by evidence, yes.  When children incorporate 'doing school' as a form of play, then the answer is unanimously, Yes.

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