Thursday, September 11, 2014

King Arthur - Idylls of the King by Alfred Lord Tennyson (1859-1892)

King Arthur is a legendary British leader of the 5th and 6th centuries which is (401 to 599 years AD). Some people who study history, believe he never lived. People believe he never lived because, the only way we know about him is from folktales and legends. 

Idylls of the King is a very long narrative poem written in blank verse and each line contains ten syllables, and is a non-rhyming poem. 
Notes to self:

BC=before Christ AD=Anno Domini (latin) for, in the year of the Lord. 
There is no zero year-1 BC is the year before AD 1. 
Now days, CE, Common Era, is used for AD 
BCE means Before Common Era is used instead of BC Before Christ





King Arthur, Sir Lancelot, & Guinevere 

Guinevere & Sir Lancelot

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