Thursday, September 11, 2014

Update Record

Khan Math, mostly review, reducing fractions, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing decimals,
Khan Science- cardio vascular system, You Tube videos on system showing how red blood cells move throughout the body, life cycle of red blood cells, crossword and QA worksheets on cells- Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic.
Observed and discussed ocean tides, storms and waves, ocean temp variables, drought
Writing-started Sleeping Beauty as myth assignment
Social Studies- Watched The Butler (civil rights movement)
Life Studies- travel across US on airplane, mapping, mph, travel systems, navigation, how to work with TSA, getting around airports ie Atlanta, GA with its concourses, arrival/departure listings, subway system, baggage weights and dimensions, time schedules, tail and head winds, and lots of  people watching!

ELA Read part of Idylls of the King by Alfred Tennyson
Spelling (25 words for the week)
Khan Science - cell path video
Khan math- decimals, fractions; Saxon Math review; Circles

DAY 19:
ELA - Idylls of the King reading cont'd, discussed setting, characters
Math- Saxon, two-step equations, order of operations,
Life Studies - discussed Laws of Supply and Demand as we compared the products offered in California vs S. Carolina.  Demand for organic products is greater in CA therefore more products offered for sale in the market.  Also discussed water supply, water rationing, drought, and its effect on potential water cost, rationing, etc.
WHA- timeline studies, perspective for studying World History
Social Studies- King Arthur
Writing- edit and update blog profile to reflect higher academic standard
Music: Guitar practice and lessons

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